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The newbie’s guide to forklift trucks

Written by Tobias W. Laxa, 2016-07-06

So, you need a forklift truck? You’re not alone. Actually, there are more than a million forklift trucks sold this year.

Not surprisingly, many first-time buyers feel the need for a “forklift truck”, but don’t have a clue about various truck types, let alone which type would best suit their needs.

Without basic knowledge there's a risk of ending up with equipment that is wrong for their needs!

Also, there are numerous forklift truck buyers who, after a while, realise that their new forklift truck was not ideal for their actual needs - this is typically human.

It is the same when purchasing other products. Like bicycles and cameras. Without basic knowledge or proper advice, the first-timer is at the risk of ending up with equipment that is totally wrong for his actual needs! If you’re not an experienced customer, it is wise to sort out the basics before you make your decision. This goes for bikes, and it goes for forklift trucks…  


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Topics: Infographics Guides

Tobias W. Laxa

Group marketing manager



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