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5 reasons why you should purchase a used forklift truck

Written by Håkan Ek, 2016-08-02

When you need a new forklift truck, one issue to consider is whether it really has to be new. Of course a brand new truck is an easy and trouble-free choice, but from a cost and benefit perspective, will it pay off? Depending on your operations, a used forklift may be the way to go.


Quite frankly, if you consider your true needs, a used forklift truck may be a better choice. Let’s have a look at some things to consider:

Do you really need full capacity?

Or will the forklift truck be used more occasionally? If it’s not used to its full potential you pay for unused capacity. In this case, a used forklift truck could be a better choice for your business.

There's a wide range of used forklifts

The range of used trucks is very wide, which means you might be able to find a machine that perfectly fits your needs, usually for a lower price than a new truck.

Easier service and maintenance

If you carefully select a used forklift, you get a machine that is inspected and fixed by experts to make sure it’s refurbished to good working condition – and you could actually get a warranty too. What's more, service on a used forklift truck could be quicker and easier for mechanics, due to well-known technology and spare parts availability.

Readily available equipment

The lead time for a new truck may be fairly long, meaning you could have to wait for a vehicle you need. Used trucks are more readily available, and can be acquired very quickly - so if your materials handling needs suddenly change, buying used may be the best way to adapt.

Think about the bottom line

To purchase a forklift truck is to tie up capital. If you find an adequate used machine, you get your desired material handling capacity—yet less capital is tied up. Quite simply, a used forklift truck can deliver a better Return On Investment

I really think that a forklift less than four years old could meet most needs just as well as a new one at a lower price, without sacrificing quality or choice. That’s why you should consider a used forklift truck. It could turn out to be excellent value for money!

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Topics: Fleet optimisation Guides Used trucks

Håkan Ek

Group Fleet Management Director



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