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The Material Handling Blog

Makes it easier to be you

Thinking of going electric? Here’s why you should

Written by John Blagg, 2020-01-13

TX4 in action (762)

Battery-powered counterbalance trucks are really nothing new for internal operations – they’ve been the standard choice for decades, due to their quietness and lack of emissions.

However, many companies that use counterbalances outside, in yards or uncovered loading and unloading areas, still choose diesel or LPG trucks due to their fast refuelling and ability to cope with the elements.

Due to demands from the market and improvements in technology, it’s now feasible to electrify your entire counterbalance fleet, even for those trucks that work outside. It could even bring a number of benefits.

In an age where fuel prices are rising and will only get higher, switching over to electric trucks could reduce costs in the right operation, even when the initial costs of the battery charging and changeover system are considered. An operation that switches to electric trucks could see their initial investment paid off over a typical 5 year contract, through the savings made in fuel costs alone.

Batteries and battery changeover solutions have also advanced to the level where you can be confident that your electric trucks can handle multi-shift operations outside.

ElectricIMG_3327 trucks can also give a company a much greener image, something which many businesses are closely focusing on. By removing fossil fuels from your operation and replacing them with electricity from the grid, which increasingly is produced by renewable sources, the total amount of carbon emissions generated by your company can be dramatically reduced.

Electric trucks also produce much less noise during driving and lifting, which can be a benefit for companies situated in more built-up areas. Quieter trucks also lead to a safer working environment, due to lower noise levels for the driver and easier communication between drivers and pedestrians.

Interested in electrifying your operation? Click here to get in touch and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. If you’re interested in learning more about the huge range of electric trucks available to you, click the button below to get our free guide, Choosing the right truck for the job. Just fill in the short form on the next page and it’s yours.

Free Guide

Topics: counterbalance electric

John Blagg

Sales Executive



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