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The Material Handling Blog

Makes it easier to be you

Keep your options open: How flexible rental contracts can help you deal with uncertainty

Written by Harry Stanton, 2020-12-03

The world of materials handling and logistics is constantly changing, but at the moment, things are more uncertain than ever.  The COVID-19 crisis began at the start of the year, but already it’s caused huge changes to manufacturing, consumer buying habits and ways of working. On top of all this, the UK’s approaching withdrawal from the European Union continues to create uncertainty for businesses on both sides of the channel, especially those that move components or finished goods between the two markets.

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How to keep your long-term forklift costs under control

Written by Jonas Tornerefelt, 2020-03-12

As we've shown in other blog posts, forklift ownership can have advantages in certain operations over other financing options, such as short-term rental or leasing.

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