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Per-Erik Mogren

Asset Director Scandinavia, Driver School & Training Manager

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The cost of owning a forklift: What makes it up, and how to reduce it

Written by Per-Erik Mogren, 2018-10-18

When procuring new forklift trucks, it may be tempting to go for the machine with the lowest purchase price.

However, trying to get the most for your money based on this single cost is the wrong approach. The truck's sticker price is one thing, but a much bigger share of the costs that will come with your forklift during the time you own it come after the purchase, during its operation.

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Forklift service: What to expect from your truck supplier

Written by Per-Erik Mogren, 2018-10-05

Even after you've chosen, ordered and taken delivery of your new forklift truck, your relationship with the supplier isn't necessarily over. If you want that new truck to keep performing optimally throughout its lifetime, you're going to need regular service and maintenance.

But what makes good service and maintenance? It's an important question, since forklifts are the backbone of any material handling operation.

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