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Mikael Pålsson

Digital & Solutions Officer

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Forklift service: How to reduce your operation's carbon footprint

Written by Mikael Pålsson, 2019-06-27

There's many ways that the carbon footprint of a materials handling operation can be reduced. Using electric trucks instead of IC trucks brings down emissions, for example, and energy can be saved by choosing more eco-friendly heating and lighting systems.

However, if you want to reduce the carbon footprint of your company's forklift service operation, then choosing a service partner with a high first visit fix rate (FVFR) is a great solution.

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Reducing forklift damage: How to protect your equipment with technology

Written by Mikael Pålsson, 2018-08-31

When you've spent money on new equipment, and invested time and even more budget in safety training and education, damage to forklifts can be a major headache that can increase downtime and endanger staff.

But aside from training, maintaining a safe warehouse environment, and choosing ergonomic trucks with good visibility and handling, how can you reduce accidents? Especially those kinds of accidents that never seem to have been caused by anyone.

The answer may be in technology — specifically, in fleet management systems that can allow you to keep an eye on every truck in your fleet, all the time.

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